Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Midget Plants

This is my thumb:

You might notice that it's not green.  Unfortunately, I found that out the hard way.

In the past two years, I've tried growing basil, cilantro, parsley, oregano and bell peppers from seeds.  (I've also managed to kill two pots of daisies and an orchid, and almost killed a palm that my mom had for years, and some lucky bamboo that came with our apartment, which I've read is very difficult to kill.  But back to the seeds...)  Each plant grew to be about two inches tall, and then stopped. They didn't die, or even wither; they just refused to grow.  I tended to them for weeks, reassuring myself with thoughts like, "Maybe this week they'll sprout a new pair of leaves."

Each time I try to make something grow, my boyfriend does his best to mask his laughter with sympathy, and tolerate the cluttered windowsills.  He usually does quite well for about two months. Then, he gives me the look that says, "it's time," and I toss the midget plants.

My last attempt was in the fall.  Wherever they are, I'm pretty sure those plants are still alive, but no more than two inches tall.

So, I've decided to take a new approach.  I've bought small plants instead of seeds.  I figure if they don't shrink overnight, I'm bound to have more success than I've had in the past.  Meet my new babies:

From left to right, we have cilantro, bell pepper, oregano and cherry tomatoes.  I couldn't resist naming them, so we have: Silo Cilantro, Bella Bellpepper, Oliver Oregano and Charlie Cherry Tomato.  Perhaps giving them names will create an emotional attachment that will help ensure my success?

I've created this blog to chronicle my next attempt, but also with the hope that I can get some help from people who actually do have green thumbs.  Any guidance you can give would be much appreciated.  I bought the plants this evening, gave them some water, and they're currently sitting in my sink.  I was planning to buy some much larger pots tomorrow, but I'm really clueless:  What should be my next step?